S1E1 - It's Punkie Night Tonight

Speaker A:

Salutations to your listeners. This is Bonyards and Boojems, an 1879 RPG. Actual play. Podcast. Part One all Horse Eve 179.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

One It's punky night tonight. 27 October 179 Madame Fourth with you are requested to investigate supernatural affairs encompassing the village of Buckleberry in Berkshire. Discretion and secrecy are of utmost importance. Your findings are to be reported in Whiting to Miss Gavalry Wells Morton of 47 Kings Road, Newbury, Gramercy.

Speaker B:

So out of the characters of Mrs. Cross, madam Trifini, dr. Winter, and Amos, which one would be the one who received this correspondence, do we think, who may have actively been looking for work? Not.

Speaker C:

It part member of the elite random.

Speaker B:

Traffini could yeah, because that was my thought about a trefini is, like, probably seeking this stuff out. I'm going to say the individual looking to hire people is if you think your character would not normally do this thing or would not seek this out, then this person has maybe blackmailed you or convinced you otherwise to take the job. You don't have to reveal what the situation is right now. We can get into that later. But that's how I'm kind of seeing this.

Speaker D:

Okay. Because it's sort of upper alley anyways. Investigating supernatural affairs.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's what I figured. She might be really interested in this stuff.

Speaker D:

Oh, yeah. This is sort of up her alley, her actual alley. As opposed to gaming people with the fake readings.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So was Madame Traffini, like, a false medium before this?

Speaker D:

She's always been a medium. It's just that all of a sudden, she actually does see things and know things and she's a little bit it was a little freaky at first, but she's gotten the hang of it. But she was totally like a charlatan before that. Tarot cards, reading your palms, looking into crystal balls, reading tea leaves, the whole shebang nice. Worked with somebody who helped her. Jimmy rigged like, so the table would shake, things like that.

Speaker B:

Okay, so why don't I set a scene that you are all on the train bound for Reading UK from London. You have all been organized in some way. We will pam, do you think Benautrophe would have hired us organized things, or do you think you just showed up and these people were already there?

Speaker D:

She's worked with Mrs. Cross before.

Speaker B:

Okay, excellent.

Speaker D:

They worked together on something else before. So she would have gone to her friend Mrs. Cross and tried to lure her in with the mystery with she's totally down. Absolutely.

Speaker E:

It gets her out of the house.

Speaker D:

Yeah, but she might not have, like, organized the other two because she doesn't know them yet.

Speaker B:

Okay. And I almost how do you think you got into this situation?

Speaker C:

One of the others would understand that I am a hunter of beasts and men.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And being as this is a hunt for something that they may have hired me for my services in order to find whatever it is.

Speaker E:

Mrs. Cross is definitely into getting a bodyguard.

Speaker D:

Yeah. We would have needed some help. So maybe leave Mrs. Cross in charge of finding somebody a little more burly.

Speaker C:

Get much burlier than a dwarf. Unless you go up.

Speaker B:

For Dr. Winter. Who do you think would have introduced her into the group?

Speaker E:

Asking Dr. Winter?

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker D:

I'm asking anyone because we probably, especially Mrs. Cross and Madam Trifini from last time, know that having somebody maybe with a little more medical knowledge could be useful. We got shot at a lot last time.

Speaker B:

Or Charlotte. Rest in peace. I don't know if she lived or.

Speaker E:

Not, but I'm not sure if she.

Speaker D:

Made it out but perhaps went looking for somebody who could help us with that on the sort of on the sly. Because we don't obviously don't want to be too out and open with what we're doing.

Speaker B:

Okay, so that makes sense. So maybe we'll go with yeah. Madam Truffini, you have been commissioned by whomever? It's a bit of a mystery in this one, but you do know you're being paid quite well for this. So you're able to kind of split the amount amongst some other folks to get the job done. And maybe they have interest or maybe they have interest in the cash that's being offered. Maybe they have interest in the supernatural affairs. Part of it. We're not sure. But I would say, yeah, you're able to organize everyone together, get them onto a train right away out of London heading towards Redding, UK. And we sort of seen as would you probably take coach or coach class but still have like a table and like a little booth or something like that?

Speaker D:

Yeah, like sort of like the coach, but like our own little because a lot of the trains had their own little sort of units.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I would imagine you're all sitting yeah. So you're all sitting in one of those units that's if you've seen Harry.

Speaker D:

Potter, you've seen what they are.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah. Okay.

Speaker D:

A lot of the older trains in Europe had that. That was how they were set up.

Speaker B:

Okay, so you got your own little private thing then.

Speaker D:

Yeah. With the sliding door.

Speaker B:

Nice. And maybe what we'll do is we'll go around the table and everybody describe what the character looks like around this little cubby. I don't know what they call it. Let's start with Mrs. Cross.

Speaker E:

All right. Mrs. Cross is a human, so she'd be considered dressed smartly if she'd had a little more money to put into her outfit. As it stands, everything's just a little bit dusty, a little bit wrinkled, a little bit well worn. But she's sort of got a keen eye and stuff.

Speaker C:

And how about amos Ammos is a very well dressed gentleman. When he walks in, he actually takes a large hunting rifle off of his shoulder and plugs it down beside him and flops down. He has a very well trimmed beard, and he is extremely burly, but he is only 4ft tall, and he's a boojem.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

He is.

Speaker B:

He's a dwarf. So for those who are not aware what boujim means that's anyone who's transformed from human into either dwarf elf snark or troll and survived the transformation at that suddenly, two years ago, or within the last two years, I think it's still spreading as kind of like a disease. Almost.

Speaker C:

As he plugged it down, he will go quaint.

Speaker B:

Adam Truffini, what does she look like?

Speaker D:

She has dark hair right now. It's just sort of piled up and pulled up high with sort of a head scarf on. She's dressed fairly well, but in slightly brighter colors, more to catch your eye, like the jewelry, everything. Well, it probably isn't real. It's made to be eye catching, to draw you into her and keep your focus away from other things as that she might be doing. She's got a night, you know, her coat is to the side, and she's got her bag to the side, just the nice cloth bag. She kind of eyes the new people up as they come in, and she's just idly has a deck of cards in her hand that she's just idly shuffling through.

Speaker B:

And how about Dr. Winter? What does she look like?

Speaker E:

Well, she has her hair parted in the middle and pulled back into a bun. And she just has a sort of slim fitting dress on, but quite long to her feet and with a little bit of a puff sleeve, but very kind of demure and not showy because she wants to be seen as a professional. And she has her doctor's bag with her, which is like a black leather bag just filled with some supplies.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I'd imagine this is a few hours of a trip along the Western Railway. Let me think here. Is there anything anybody wishes to do during the train ride, I guess is what I'll ask at first. Or should we cut to approaching the station?

Speaker D:

Sort of as each person sort of joins them as they're moving along, she'll pull out a card for each. She'll first look at Ammo's, pull a card out, just look at it herself, put it down, and repeat the process with all looking at each of the three other people.

Speaker B:

Okay, so that's really interesting. So I got to hook onto that. What do you think comes up for Ammos?

Speaker D:

Let me just see.

Speaker B:

Do you have a deck of cards with you? I do that.

Speaker D:

I actually have a Tarot card generator online.

Speaker B:

Oh, nice.

Speaker D:

Because I don't actually have cards in my house.

Speaker B:

That's neat.

Speaker D:

Yeah. So for Amos comes the page of wands reversed, which no new opportunities, no good foresight, not focused on growth, and no real passion. So she just sort of looks at him, looks at the card, and tucks it away again, appropriate, and sort of looks over to dr Winter flips up the seven of pentacles upright. So patient, but being patient, waiting for the right moment and a little bit more neutral and has no no feel, no need to rush things at the moment. So again, sort of and then she looks at her good friend, Mrs Cross and pulls the death card upright, which does not always symbolize death itself, which is a natural end. It's time for things to end. The old needing to give way to the new and unstoppable change or perhaps liberation from something. So again, she sort of looks at it, smiles, smirks and tucks it underneath just to get sort of to get her feel for each of her new her companions.

Speaker B:

Oh, that's so nice.

Speaker E:

Love it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Especially the one from Mrs Cross, because I think that's actually really appropriate. I would assume that maybe she's trying to get out of the thumb of her employer somewhat out of the shadow.

Speaker E:

Yeah. A little bit.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And did we talk about who that was that you had been employed with?

Speaker E:

Yeah, it's actually my dearly deceased husband's cousin oh, okay. Who essentially gave me the position because he he was soldier, et cetera. I'm not going to go on and on, but now she's sort of building up herself and wants to get recognition for the things that she does.

Speaker B:

She is an investigator.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Excellent. So maybe we'll skip ahead and say that you all have your pleasantries and light, simple discussions, wondering what's going on in this town of Bucklebury, or a village of Bucklebury. And when the train comes to a stop and reading it is late in the afternoon, probably an hour's ride to Bucklebury, all you know is some arrangement has been made by whomever this individual is has left it. Madame Trifini, what is your assumption of who sent this message? Just curious.

Speaker D:

Take another look at the correspondence here. She has a feeling that it could potentially be the same group that they interacted with last time. I can't remember what they were called now, but fagan.

Speaker E:


Speaker C:


Speaker D:

The Templars.

Speaker B:

All of the Templars. Yeah.

Speaker D:

Perhaps it's like somebody from within that since maybe that's one that they can't interact with again themselves.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

That's her thinking on it.

Speaker B:

All right, I'm going to get you to roll.

Speaker D:

Since it has just an address of.

Speaker B:

Nothing else, I'll get you to roll. Perception check or awareness? No perception. Unless you have, like, knowledge of I don't know if you can argue that one of your knowledge skills will work for this.

Speaker E:

Let me just see.

Speaker D:

I don't even remember what I have. Haggle and bribery. My knowledge is occult. I don't no, not quite.

Speaker B:

No. No. There's no evidence that this is well, there's evidence that there's a cult involved here, but I'll get you to roll. Just a straight perception, I think.

Speaker E:

Okay. So that is step seven.

Speaker B:

One. Okay. All right. I'm going to say there's a good chance that you're thinking that it was signed for mercy at the end and you're thinking that might be any. Okay. To give you a sense of what I'll do on low roles, on investigation and perception in this game, I think I'm going to take again a cue from months to the week in games like that and basically say, if you get a low perception check, I may or may not give you the truth of the situation. So it might be right. I'm not going to give you the wrong thing necessarily, but I'll give you something that you'll give us, something you're not going to be sure, or if that's not possible, I'll give you a situation that is misleading in some way.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

So did you share this note with anyone else?

Speaker D:

Wondering probably on the train while we were talking about what we were doing, like getting to know each other and talking a little bit because we'd want to make sure people knew what we were up to.

Speaker B:

Okay, excellent. And if anyone wants to do anything with that or has any questions, me, let me know, but otherwise I'll just continue on. All right, sounds good. So when you're exiting the train, you'll see there's a handful of people at the train station there, but only one that's carrying a really poorly lettered sign with your names sort of scrolled across it. Really not artistically. Very simple looking man. If he wasn't the only person with a sign, you probably would have missed him. He just blend right in. Looks kind of like a farm hand or something like that. And you'll hear coming from, oh, you're the people.

Speaker D:

We are people.

Speaker B:

Right. Come with.

Speaker D:

Our ride.

Speaker B:

He's going to look at Amos and.

Speaker C:

Say, I will come off the train with my large hunting backpack with me and my rifle flung over my shoulder and go, Acquaint.

Speaker B:

Right. Never said there were no boojams in this quarry. No matter, I get paid anyway. So you have business in Buckleberry?

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Seems like you have the cladestin's types.

Speaker D:

I'm not going to say anything beyond that. I'm just going to kind of stare at him.

Speaker E:

All right, Kelly, you're the one with.

Speaker B:

Their names on it and they say not to ask questions, but I get so little entertainment in my life, you hear? So he's going to lead you out of the station to what looks to be a quote unquote carriage. It's a generous term for a carriage. It's a barely covered wagon that's going to greet you, but it is a solid enough of right. It's not going to fall apart or anything. It's just not going to be very comfortable.

Speaker E:

I'm going to ask, who do you report to, sir?

Speaker B:

Mrs. Grantham's. Ma'am.

Speaker E:

And what does Mrs. Grantham do?

Speaker B:

She manages the pumpkin operation in Buckleberry and she said there was a special need for transport to the town.

Speaker E:

Thank you.

Speaker B:

And he'll set you all up and try to notices that probably Mrs. Cross might be a little uncomfortable with the uncomfortability of the ride and offer some extra hay or straw or something like that in a sack to sit on.

Speaker E:

Cross is not fancy.

Speaker B:

Okay. All right. So if anyone is feeling a little uncomfortable or looking uncomfortable, he will stuff a sack full of sack full of straw.

Speaker C:

No, madam. Here, use this. And I will hand her my bed wolf.

Speaker D:

Why, thank you. And I'll take a seat.

Speaker B:

So it's about a 1 hour carry dried from Reading Station to Bucklebury. And as you're approaching the town and you'll find out this gent's name is Mr. Godfrey, that's all you really get from him. And he'll say, oh, well, tonight's punky night. Hope you don't frighten easily, as he kind of winks at Madame Traffini.

Speaker D:

What's punky nights?

Speaker B:

Oh, it's a night when the children go around. They they march around with one of those Jack O'lantern type things, you know, the night before Hallel's Eve. And yeah, I forgot to mention, this is October 30 at this point.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

1879. And they go through the town and they kind of sing songs and ask for candles for their jacket lanterns. And they'll get a little rough with people who don't offer them candles. Not physical violence, but they might pelt you with eggs, maybe, or something. I've got some candles in the back there if you want to have them with you so you don't get pelted.

Speaker D:

I would quite appreciate that. I think we all would.

Speaker B:

As you're approaching the village of Bucklebury, which has a very small, very straight looking river passing through it. It's barely a river at all and more of a short, very narrow stream. There's not going to be any kind of boat on this river unless it's a toy boat or something and some tiny little thing. And there's a number of buildings, and most of which seem to be pretty inactive. And as you're approaching the town, getting close to sunset, you're seeing a set of group of children marching around. They're all of the human type. None of them are the boojans. They're marching around Jacqueline lanterns. And you can hear them singing, actually. You hear this song that goes, it's funky night tonight. It's punky night tonight. Adam and Eve would not believe it's punky night tonight. Then you start hearing, give me a candle, give me a light. But if you haven't got a candle, a penny. He's all right. As they approach the wagon what do you do? As they're approaching the wagon, we're still.

Speaker D:

Moving or has it stopped?

Speaker B:

It's slowed down quite a bit. And Godfrey is kind of reaching out for some of those candles now.

Speaker D:

I'm going to just go and hop right off the back with a couple of candles in hand.

Speaker B:

Thank you, miss.

Speaker C:

I will actually pull up my small change and we'll start handing out I believe they are the silver not penny.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

What's the next one up here?

Speaker B:

I don't even know.

Speaker C:

Pounds, is it? Shillings.

Speaker B:

Shillings, yeah.

Speaker C:

And then pence, right?

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Okay. He will take out silver pence coins and hand them out instead of pennies.

Speaker B:

Wow, that's a twelve pence, right?

Speaker C:

No, the small coin. I believe it's very small silver coin, if I remember correctly. I can't find my little cheat sheet here.

Speaker B:

Yeah, all right. And they were going to be at first they were nabbed with you just because you're a boojom, you're a dwarf, you look different. And they're a little afraid to approach. But now with the coins, now that hearing that you're handing out coins like that, they're all just not afraid anymore.

Speaker D:

I'm handing out candles, I just don't.

Speaker C:

Have any smaller change. So this is the best I could do.

Speaker B:

And Dr. Winter going to hand them a candle as well?

Speaker E:

Yes, she is.

Speaker B:

All right, I'll join the candle train.

Speaker E:

I do not have the ability to lose shillingness.

Speaker B:

And as they continue on in your approaching what appears to be the in, you're headed for or Tavern. Actually, in this case, you're headed for, there's actually another smaller group of children approaching and they're all boojums, although one is big and you're presuming this is the Troll Kid, five foot six, probably like seven years old, and five foot six. I smile warmly at them and they combine. They actually come around Amos, not knowing, of course. They don't know at all that you were handing out coins, but they do see you as another boojum and are like, candles.

Speaker C:

Have the candles, I have this for you. And I will give them the same thing.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

I move over and start to hand out some more candles for them.

Speaker B:

Thank you, miss.

Speaker D:

Of course, you need to have your candles, don't you?

Speaker B:

So as you're into this, they move on, move along and continue singing. And this tall is town or village, it's very small, quaint number of homes, workhouses, church, a few shops and a tavern which has the sign of the Knights Rook. And the wagon is going to come to a stop and Mr. Godfrey will step off and help anyone who wants assistance off the wagon. What do you do?

Speaker E:

I need assistance.

Speaker B:

And yeah, Mr. Godfrey will offer assistance. He'll pull out a crate so you can step down.

Speaker E:

That was already still off of the.

Speaker D:

Cart from handing out, just sort of walking along with it with a bit more of a bounce to my step. Now, after that excellent.

Speaker C:

I just bring my bed, roll back into my pack and jump off with my rifle.

Speaker B:

All right. Is Mrs. Cross hopping off or taking a crete assistance?

Speaker E:

With a crete take assistance.

Speaker B:

Okay. And he will offer that. I wish you well in Bucklebury, madam's. And sir. And with that, he sets up his wagon again to take off to the north.

Speaker C:

We'll throw him one of those coins as well and say, thank you, good sir.

Speaker B:

Oh, well, thank you, Mr I didn't catch your last name.

Speaker C:

Amos blackstone.

Speaker B:

Blackstone. Mr. Blackstone. Well, I will remember you, sir. Have a good time.

Speaker C:

I shall.

Speaker B:

Let me see if I can find my note here. All right, everyone, roll perception or awareness so that's in the dice rolls channel for those who aren't aware and ampersand. And then a step. So for Dulia and your step sheet, or on your character sheet, there is on the left side says, deck strength, toughness perception. Unless there's a 16 and a seven. It's actually the seven step thing. So 8%.

Speaker D:

So excellent rank and awareness. Three.

Speaker B:

All right. Did I get everyone there? I forgot to have a strong line here. Yeah, sometimes I can't tell.

Speaker D:

Okay, I got a 21.

Speaker B:

Oh, my.

Speaker E:


Speaker B:

Madame Traffini is the most observant who. Immediately your eye is caught to the poster that is on the signboard beside the entrance of the inn or tavern that is seeking information about a missing pumpkin. Apparently, as far as you can tell, a prize winning giant pumpkin has gone missing. And any information, please go see Mrs. Grantham at the Grantham farm.

Speaker E:

I'm going to look at Amos and say, how quaint.

Speaker B:

Amos is silent.

Speaker C:

Sorry, that didn't work. I actually grump a bit and go, Agreed.

Speaker D:

I'm going to just glance at but I think it's charming.

Speaker C:

You've been brought here to hunt pumpkins.

Speaker D:

You've been brought here to protect us and hunt local superstitions. Sometimes they turn out to be quite right. And I'm going to head into the tavern.

Speaker B:

Okay, everyone else going into the tavern? The night's?

Speaker E:

Rook yes.

Speaker B:

All right. What you enter into is a fairly simple but very dusty space. It's got a simple bar area lit by a few candles, a few macabre. Decorative skulls have carved pumpkins, and turnips are around, kind of like jacko lanterns. Basically. As a young man at the bar, he's maybe 18, but at most maybe younger. He seems to be the barkeep, serving up only a couple of local men who look like they basically live there. And there is a very off key trio of musicians in the corner trying to play sea shanties will win. What was that?

Speaker C:

I said I will win.

Speaker B:

But there is a table available if you wish to take it. Or what do you do?

Speaker E:

I'm going to sort of do a.

Speaker D:

Glance around and see if it looks like it's the planet of place where you just grab it and go to the table. Or if you sit at the table and they bring it to you, you.

Speaker B:

Probably have to go ask at the bar for stuff it looks like here.

Speaker D:

Well, who's buying the first round?

Speaker C:

I guess I guess I might slip. I will go over and say to the barkeeper, I would like drinks at the table, please. I will have an assortment of ales and a light snack as well as a decanter of wine.

Speaker B:

It's pumping, though. Don't you want to try the pumpkin moonshine or pumpkin brew?

Speaker C:

So I would.

Speaker B:

All right, I'll bring some over. Would you like that other stuff too?

Speaker C:

Yes, just in case, sir.

Speaker B:

Give me a few. And you'll notice that he's like, excited because this is the most orders he's gotten for anything in a long time, probably other than just a couple of local guys who drink there all the time. And he'll come over with the drinks later on and he'll seem really unusually proud of his pumpkin drinks. For those who partake, seems they've been making use of the local pumpkin farm and fermenting them to make their quote unquote, pumpkin moonshine. And another kind of pumpkin ish flavored, but really it's quite terrible ale as well.

Speaker D:

Can I get a tea?

Speaker B:

Yes, madam. Let me see after I get these drinks. I'll do that.

Speaker D:

Thank you, sir.

Speaker B:

And he seems overwhelmed. He doesn't have weight staff or anything. And I'd imagine you spend some time here and just kind of relax and unwind kind of thing after a long day of travel. And as the musicians leave and the kind of couple barflies leave madame Truffini.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

You're looking around and then as you've gotten to know this sparky a little bit, his name is Timothy Tanner, and he generally seems pretty bored in general of this place. He was excited to see you folks, but generally he seems pretty bored and you're kind of surprised as for a second there, you're kind of looking at the bar just kind of yourself, probably ready to sleep soon. And I think you saw one of the bottles just kind of float from the bar behind the bar over to the table and that Timothy saw this and just seemed to not even blink.

Speaker D:

I'm going to sort of look a little closer at that spot and then look at the others. I think the mystery begins. We have a floating bottle.

Speaker E:

Is there anything in the bottle?

Speaker B:

Well, it's not floating. What it did was it kind of flew from the shelf over and just landed on the bar.

Speaker D:

Like it sort of floated over on its own?

Speaker B:

Yeah, it looked like it was like somebody picked it up and someone picked it up, set it down there, and Timothy was just kind of like, yeah, that's normal.

Speaker E:

You mean that's normal?

Speaker B:

No, go ahead.

Speaker D:

Going to get up and walk over to the bar?

Speaker B:

Yes, madame.

Speaker D:

Curious. Do the bottles do that often?

Speaker B:

You saw that, didn't you? Graham? You can come out now. And you see this apparition up here of an old woman in what would be old garb for those days, even probably 18th century outfit.

Speaker D:

I'm just going to grin. I'm not even going to like, jump or anything like that at this because this is exactly my wheelhouse.

Speaker B:

And she will bow and say, greetings. You're a medium, of course, you saw that. Mrs. Agnes Tanner is my name. And you are?

Speaker D:

I am Madam Trishimi.

Speaker B:

Excellent. Are you the folks that I sent for?

Speaker D:

Are you the one who asked for help with the supernatural occurrences?

Speaker B:

Yes. There's something I might be supernatural going on here and I don't mean me. Don't worry.

Speaker D:

And that would be us? Indeed.

Speaker B:

Good. Yes. I waited for the rest to leave before revealing myself. I wanted to see what you thought would be doing what you're like, trying to listen in. But there wasn't much of interest to me, I guess. But anyways, are some of us yes. Could I ask you to do something for me? Look into something here.

Speaker D:

Come join us and tell the group.

Speaker E:

Come on, this way. It would be quite silly of us.

Speaker D:

As I go and sit back down again.

Speaker B:

Call me in. What was that?

Speaker D:

I sort of watch everybody's reactions to this virid employer.

Speaker C:

Isn't that interesting? Curiouser and curiouser.

Speaker B:

And she'll say, well, I'm not technically an employer. You could probably see that I don't have much in means of fortune or gold and silver. But I know people who know people and I let it be known out there there's something worth looking into around these parts here to look. Well, I have to say there's something a might bit supernatural going on in this town and outside of this building, though clearly me. And here, yes, that's supernatural. But I'm talking about more troublesome affairs. Not just some spirit roaming about, but some harm being done.

Speaker E:

Can you describe what is being done? More detail.

Speaker B:

Here's the thing. I have to kind of get this information secondhand. People come in here, they talk, I hear, you know, I hide in here. And after what I heard, I really didn't want to be leaving this building. I don't want no sorcerer for possessing me or banishing me or making some kind of thrall of me or whatever they do. So I figured I was safe here. But I may not entirely be safe in here because there's a room upstairs I cannot enter. And it doesn't matter what anyone does. You open the door or whatever. I can't go in there. It just burns.

Speaker D:

I don't like that.

Speaker E:

And that's everything then. Or you said that there's something outside of here.

Speaker B:

Well, there's some nasty sights coming from the direction of the old Bucklebury boneyard. And then I hear today that his donkey has gone missing too. The old bench from the Bucklebury Estate livestock has gone, vanished the last few weeks in rather mysterious circumstances. At first we thought somebody was just stealing it, but the traces left behind that I hear are rather more of the predator type, but too big to be anything natural.

Speaker C:

Excellent. This sounds more of my interest.

Speaker E:

Well, I dare say we start upstairs while it's late and get some rooms on the way and we can start outside.

Speaker D:

Tomorrow is the room that. You can't enter. Currently occupied by somebody or is it free?

Speaker B:

As if we have customers here.

Speaker D:

Excellent. I'd like to get that room, please.

Speaker B:

Excellent. So few come to BUCKLEBURY anymore, especially with all these disappearances and things. So we don't want these rumors to be spreading more about that if it's true. So yeah, she'll actually kind of float away and I don't know which of your characters have you've been seeing Apparitions or anything of that manner yet the whole opening of the Rabbit Hole and all that was only two years ago. So you your character may or may not have had time to see Apparitions other than Madame Traffini. Obviously that's what she deals with.

Speaker C:

Yes, I would assume I have seen some as well, being as I am a boojum as well.

Speaker B:

Yeah. What about Dr. Winter? Do you think Dr. Winter has seen a ghost before? Is this just freaked her out?

Speaker E:

I think given that I'm pretty practical. This is kind of a little bit outside of my wheelhouse.

Speaker B:

So keeps that neutral look about, I guess. Just like tarot cards said.

Speaker E:

My eyes a little bit popping out of my head seeing this Apparition kind of floating away here.

Speaker B:

And what about Mrs. Cross?

Speaker E:

She's never seen an apparition. May have come across weird things before and she's wearing her poker face, but she's a little unnerved.

Speaker B:

All right. She'll lead you upstairs. And there's only about four rooms here anyways. She will point at the one in the northeast corner of this floor and the door is open, but she says I can't enter there. I don't understand.

Speaker D:

I'll take that one. I'm going to just walk straight towards it.

Speaker B:

Okay. Are you going to walk right in?

Speaker D:

Well, stop first at the door and kind of look over it and just on the off chance anything was marked onto it somehow like a door frame and things like that.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And I am going to reach into my backpack and grab my goggles and I will put them on top of my head and go ahead as well.

Speaker D:

You're going to go into the can't read room. The ghost can't enter it room through.

Speaker C:

You, of course, but yes.

Speaker B:

Okay. Does Madam Trifini have anything like evidence analysis or anything like that?

Speaker D:

No evidence analysis.

Speaker B:

I've got just wondering if you had any we could go straight perception here. It's a knowledge occult, right?

Speaker D:

Yeah, knowledge of the occult.

Speaker B:

Okay. Roll that. How about that?

Speaker D:

Because I didn't mark in the attributes perceptions. That would be a seven, that would be a nine.

Speaker B:

Okay. That's enough to know that you think the first thing comes to your mind is you might be looking for some salt on the floor. And lo and behold, you do see the remnants. There's not much left but of a salt line on the floor at the doorway.

Speaker D:

I'm just going to crouch down right away and just lick my finger and run it along to try to get as much of the salt up as.

Speaker B:

I can and yeah, you're able to kind of scatter that, do a little.

Speaker D:

Taste test to make sure it was salt.

Speaker B:

Yeah, definitely. Salt an odd flavor for salt. There's something else mixed into it too. You think nothing that causes any pain or poison or anything, but you're wondering, okay, what else is in this? I don't know. Maybe ash.

Speaker D:

You think I'm going to collect a little bit as much of it as I can, like get a little hanky and fold it up for later.

Speaker C:

Okay, I'm going to crawl down on the floor and flip down my goggles and start crawling around looking, seeing if there's any interesting sign.

Speaker B:

Okay. How about Elmo's Rule? Perception or awareness? Okay.

Speaker C:

Basically I'm looking for any signs of tracks or anything like that.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Should I just use perception or tracking?

Speaker B:

I think tracking. You have to know who you're tracking first.

Speaker D:

You've already found the tracks that you're tracking.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Six. Okay, that's pretty good. You don't think there's necessarily tracks here, but you do. While you're looking through here, you're able to detect that there may have used to have been some kind of sigil drawn on the ground with this salt and ash mixture.

Speaker C:

On closer look, it appears there used to be some kind of sigil here. Would this be something you would know of, Madam Tropeni?

Speaker D:

I'll go to try to see if I can sort of with his help pointing it out, see if I can figure out what it was or at least part of it and trace and copy it out.

Speaker B:

Yeah, maybe I'll get you to roll again. Perception on this one. We'll go with the actually go occult. Occult with the Council? Yeah. 14. Okay. That's a lot. You're thinking this has to do with a mage, something involving a mage, probably a ritual of some kind was done here. You have no idea what the reason might be. But there's definitely some magic has been active here. And maybe you presume with the word at the door, they didn't want to be seen or interfered with by spirits.

Speaker D:

Fair enough. So I'm going to glance back with Mrs. Tanner. Would you be a deer and truck coming in. It should be fixed now.

Speaker B:

She's kind of, sort of wins to brace going through this and then it goes through, no problem. Oh, well, what did you do?

Speaker D:

There was salt on the floor.

Speaker B:

Well, is salt the problem? I mean, we use it in our food here sometimes with the food it.

Speaker D:

Should be fine, but one can place a line of salt to protect against spirits or prevent marijuana.

Speaker B:

Okay, well, then I'm glad that mystery.

Speaker D:

Is solved, but I would suggest perhaps the floors be swept a little more thoroughly. If you notice a problem like that, just have someone sleep the floors a little more thoroughly.

Speaker B:

Have you seen her kind of disappear through the floor, go downstairs, basically just straight through the floor and yell, Timothy, you need to clean more. She'll come back up and say, well, thank you for this. Feel free to stay here the night. It's a modest place and no charge, but do you need anything else for me? I don't tend to like coming out in the day, so questions matter.

Speaker C:

Now, why did I ask who had this room last before this happened?

Speaker B:

Well, we haven't actually had any customers staying over, so someone must have just kind of snuck in during the day and done this.

Speaker D:

That's never nice.

Speaker E:

Is there anybody in town who might be of the sort who would draw sigils on floor?

Speaker B:

No, we have nothing like that around here. Hence why I wanted to alert certain individuals who want to know more about the supernatural. I'd like to relieve ourselves of the more unsavory types that get attracted to the supernatural in exchange for those who are just curious and not meaning harm, if you know what I mean.

Speaker D:

I know exactly what you mean.

Speaker B:


Speaker E:

Have you had any you say you've had no travelers recently either?

Speaker B:

Well, not no travelers, but no one who stayed overnight. Certainly there's travelers through town now and again for various reasons and businesses.

Speaker C:

And how many days has it been since you haven't been able to get into this room?

Speaker B:

It's been when did I send the note out to at least a couple of weeks now.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

All right, or just moved to a different area, possibly.

Speaker B:

Anyone else have questions for Mrs. Agnes.

Speaker D:

Tanner moment at least I am really else.

Speaker C:

Last question. How might we reach you if we do need you during the day?

Speaker B:

During the day? Well, talk to Timothy. He you can help with that. I prefer not to come out during the day, but if you must. And anyone else doing anything tonight before we move on to the next day?

Speaker D:

No, I'm going to still stay in that room, that room, and do, like, a look around, just a general look around the room once I've settled in and shoot everybody out.

Speaker B:

I mean, you can take this room. There's only four anyway.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I'm planning to take the room because I think it would be lovely to stay there.

Speaker B:

Then you'll find the betting isn't actually too bad here. Made a good goose down or something like that.

Speaker A:

Until next time, dear listeners, blessings and good health. Salutations and Valedictions for the Boneyards and Boudrums podcast are narrated by andromeda to learn more about the 1879 RPG, please refer to the episode Notes.

Madam Truffeni receives a letter requesting her assistance investigating some supernatural occurrences in a small village in Berkshire.

Boneyards & Boojums is a casual Actual Play podcast of an 1879 campaign. Learn more about 1879 at https://fasagames.com/1879-home/

The cast in this episode includes:

  • Missus Cross, the Investigator: Kirsten
  • Madam Truffeni, the Medium: Pam
  • Dr. Winter, the Doctor: Dilia
  • Amos Blackstone, the Big Game Hunter: Noah
  • Gamemaster: Rob


Narrations by Andromeda.


1879 is a registered trademark of FASA Corp and used without license. Any use of FASA trademarks or copyrighted material is not intended as a challenge to those trademarks or copyrights.

More about 1879: https://fasagames.com/1879-home/


"The Pumpkin Head" by Frank Schröter Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6663-the-pumpkin-head License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Myst on the Moor by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4104-myst-on-the-moor License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Gypsy Shoegazer by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/3841-gypsy-shoegazer License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Netherworld Shanty by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4119-netherworld-shanty License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Interloper by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/3919-interloper License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Sehnsucht by Sascha Ende Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/2922-sehnsucht License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Halloween Theme 1 by Alexander Nakarada Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4735-halloween-theme-1 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


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